
National Lottery Heritage Fund

National Lottery Heritage Fund Players

Communities Past & Futures Society

Dr Sue Morrison

Oral History Research and Training Consultancy

Rainy Days Productions

Frances McKinlay and the staff and volunteers and participants at The Marie Trust

Mark Downie 

Adam Stevenson

Rachel Toner

Iris Larkins

Rachel Kelly

Sher Allan

Billy Ferrie

Sophie Fensome

Janet Pryor

Will Syson

Thornliebank Seniors Group

Campsie Local History Group 

We offer heartfelt thanks to everyone who shared their memories with us, attended project events, or contributed their time, artwork and photographs. This project would not have been possible without you.

We are grateful to everyone who supported the project and shared their memories, and photographs, and our posts on social media.

Special thanks to all our Volunteers and Respondents